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Photograph of the Lay Clerks of St Albans, 1997 Dr Barry Rose OBE Tony de Rivaz (Alto) Andrew Parnell (Associate Master of the Music) James Outram(Tenor)Neil Baker (Alto) Kenneth Burgess (Bass) Christopher Head (Bass) Simon Gaunt (Bass)David Ireson (Bass)Tony Edwards (Tenor) David Martin-Smith (Tenor)Ian Wicks (Tenor) Peter Dyke (Organ Scholar) Roger Mullis (Alto) Simon Baker (Alto)

The Lay Clerks of St Albans Cathedral, 1997
(Roll mouse over faces to reveal names)

Back Row - Left to Right:
Ian Wicks (tenor), David Martin-Smith (tenor), Tony Edwards (tenor), David Ireson (bass), Christopher Head (bass), Neil Baker (alto), Tony de Rivaz (alto)

Front Row - Left to Right
Peter Dyke (Organ Scholar), Simon Baker (alto), Roger Mullis (alto), Simon Gaunt (bass), Kenneth Burgess (bass), James Outram (tenor), Barry Rose, Andrew Parnell (Associate Master of the Music)